The Google Pixel C Review
Source: The Google Pixel C Review
Unfortunately, once you start looking at some of the other aspects of hardware and software, the problems with the Pixel C start appearing in great numbers. I’ve said this time and time again, but Android simply doesn’t offer a compelling tablet experience in any regard. With the Pixel C in particular you get a plethora of stability issues and bugs as well. Connectivity issues with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth impact the usability of the keyboard, and the entire software experience is simply unfinished. I can’t use it for very long without encountering touch input issues, freezes, and complete OS crashes. I really don’t know how Pixel C shipped with the software in the state that it’s in, and it’s just not acceptable. The fact that Josh also received a sample and encountered the same issues that I have confirms that they’re not specific to a single unit, and any single one of the major issues that we’ve noticed should have been enough to delay the Pixel C’s launch.
Walau lebih banyak masalah di tablet milik Google dibanding dengan review iPad Pro kemarin namun permasalahan masih sama, di software.
Aplikasi punya Google sendiri juga tidak dimaksimalkan untuk pemakaian tablet. Masih sama dengan menggunakan ponsel dengan posisi landscape.
Google harusnya melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh Jide dengan Remix OS, dimana Android yang mirip pada penggunaan pada desktop.
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